Common IT Problems for Small Businesses and How IT Support in Sacramento Can Help
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The average small business owner might understand the basics of IT. Some might even be familiar with networks, digital security, and data backup methods. However, few small business owners understand the intricacies of this increasingly dynamic field. Don’t worry, your IT support partner in Sacramento is here. At Noverus Innovations, we have identified some of the primary IT problems faced by small business owners and managers— each can be overcome by allying with our IT experts:

Performance Issues

Networks experience glitches and suffer downtime. If you don’t have the free time or ability to implement upgrades, your network and hardware will eventually suffer. Lean on our IT team to handle upgrades and the number of performance-related issues will drastically decrease.

Costly Repairs

Few small business owners can shell out thousands of dollars for network repairs. Networks are fallible— they will eventually require troubleshooting and, possibly, a repair. Ally with our IT support professionals in Sacramento and we will help you work through the issue in a cost-effective manner.

Slow Problem Resolution

Some IT groups restrict their hours to weekdays, while others charge for trips to your office. The solution is to team up with an IT services provider that uses remote monitoring to access your network from a distant location. This setup greatly ameliorates problem-solving efforts.

Ransomware and Viruses

The last thing you need to worry about is whether to pay a hacker’s ransomware ransom in order to regain control of your computers and networks. Ransomware, malware, and viruses cause a considerable loss of productivity. You need a true team of IT aficionados on your side to guard against these threats.

Relying on Numerous Specialists

Too many small business owners lean on several different services providers. It is better to streamline the work through a single provider capable of handling all IT-related challenges.

Safeguarding Data

Data breaches are popping up all over the place. Businesses of all sizes are in hackers’ crosshairs. If your data is hacked, your customers’ sensitive data could be exposed and your reputation will endure quite the hit.

In-House IT Salaries

The average IT professional earns $50,000-$60,000 per year. Tack on benefits and multiply the total figure by the number of employees in your IT department and you will likely be shelling out several hundred thousand dollars per year. Outsource the work and you’ll save a ton of money.


The life of a small business owner is stressful enough without additional drama from IT issues. Let the true IT experts handle your IT maintenance and supervision to prevent problems.

Additional Fees

IT services almost always have extra fees tacked on. The beauty of allying with a managed services provider is you get to pay a flat rate.

Wasted Prepaid Services

Paying for prepaid services and failing to use them is a monumental mistake. It is quite easy to let them expire or completely forget about them. Do not ally with a managed services provider that allows services to expire.

Don’t Let These Problems Ruin Your Bottom Line

At Noverus Innovations, our IT support team in Sacramento is here to help you tackle the challenges outlined above. Outsource your IT work to our tech gurus and your team will be liberated to focus on serving clients, expanding your business, and maximizing profitability. Contact us today!